Too Many Bones


Game poster


Year published
Josh J. Carlson
Adam Carlson
Josh J. Carlson
Anthony LeTourneau
Player count
1 - 4
Chip Theory Games
Dice Realm
Frosted Games
Gameland 游戏大陆
Lavka Games
Lucky Duck Games
Portal Games
SD Games
Cooperative Game
Deck, Bag, and Pool Building
Dice Rolling
Die Icon Resolution
Grid Movement
Hand Management
Resource to Move
Role Playing
Scenario / Mission / Campaign Game
Solo / Solitaire Game
Square Grid
Stat Check Resolution
Tech Trees / Tech Tracks
Turn Order: Role Order
Variable Player Powers

Too Many Bones comes loaded for bear by breaking into a new genre: the dice-builder RPG. This game takes everything you think you know about dice-rolling and turns it on its head. Dripping with strategy, this fantasy-based RPG puts you in the skin of a new race and takes you on an adventure to the northern territories to root out and defeat growing enemy forces and of course the infamous "baddie" responsible. Team up or go it alone in a 1-4 player Coop or Solo play campaign. With over 100+ unique skill dice and 4-7 classes to choose from, every battle is its own mini challenge to figure out. Your adventure will consist of 8-12 battles before you reach your final destination and face off against one of a number of possible kingpins in order to win. Along the way, you will be faced with storyline decisions that will quickly have you weighing risk/reward, odds, and logic - with dice woven into every aspect! Your party will also be faced with other decisions: when to rest, when to explore, or even which fights to pursue! The Encounter cards offer fun plot twists and some comic relief, all while setting the stage for your next battle.